Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I have a little issue with some of the New Testament miracles. Acts 3 gives us the narrative of Peter and John meeting a paralyzed man asking for alms as they visited the Temple. Peter said, "I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk." So the guy, who until now knew only how to survive on the generosity of others' goodness, might have thought to himself, "Oh great, now I have to go find a job!" What about the swineherd whose entire flock jumped into the sea when demons were driven into them. He lost his whole livelihood, and might have thought, "Oh great, what am I gonna tell my boss?" It's not likely that the herd's owner had "demon possession insurance" to cover the loss of a whole herd jumping into the sea. It was centuries before a radio commentator would be around to tell us "the rest of the story," so we have to fill in the blanks with... what? Here's a hint: maybe the entire history of God dealing with His people can teach us something. It could be that something incredibly good that comes to us from God's hand can lead us into a rather uncertain moment or two (remember the Israelites led rather wondrously through the sea, only to wonder about where their next meal was going to come from?). For God the plan was already fully unfolded, but for His people it came one uncertain moment at a time. Are we that different from anyone else who GOd has treated well? Gee, we get a little miracle or two and then we start to grumble because the path is a bit obscure up ahead. Or we get a little miracle or two and it means we have to change. Change? Egads, we don't like that word. Nonetheless, God has the whole plan in sight, even if we can't see over the next hill. The Easter season is a great time to look anew -- through eyes that are intrigued by the Resurrection of one from the dead -- at how God has dealt with His people from the beginning of time. After a great blessing or two we may become spoiled and demanding, and when God steps back for just a moment we might question our faith, our confidence, or God's love. Just wait, though, because just around the corner God has something wonderful waiting: manna from the desert, quail from the sky, water from a rock. In those moments, wait for the wonder that God is preparing. Wait for "the rest of the story!"
Msgr. William J. King

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