every parishioner of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, your parish
wants to say thank you for everything you do. On Sunday, June 3 at 6 in
the evening, please join fellow parishioners in the Parish Center for
an Appreciation Dinner (no charge). All parishioners are welcome and
wanted. There are reservation forms in the back of church, or you may
call the parish office to give your name and th
number of people attending (just so we have enough noodles in the pot).
There's no catch, no strings attached, no ulterior purpose -- just to
say thanks for being a wonderful parish! Well, okay, there is one
thing: we'll be talking about something pretty exciting that's going to
happen in our parish, but it doesn't involve asking for money, so you
can leave your wallets at home -- just bring you and your faith!
Msgr. William J. King
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