All are welcome: prepare for the Season of
Advent with a quick mini-Retreat on Saturday, December 1st, from 9 to 11
AM at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton church, 310 Hertzler Road, just off US
Route 15 and the PA Turnpike in Mechanicsburg (near Messiah
Village). With 2 local organists (Steve Stringer from our parish, and
Tony Ciucci from the Church of the Good Shepherd in Camp Hill), we'll
reflect on the beautiful and very spiritual musical motifs - short
phrases of a few notes each, repeated to empohasize spiritual themes -
in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. This will be a very unusual
event, yet very spiritual, as we reflect together on how the texts of
the hymns and the musical motifs work together to lead us closer to the
spiritual meaning of the hymn. There will be a coffee/donut break in the
middle, so some only if you can only stay for about an hour.

November 18, 2012
Msgr. William J. King
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