Saturday, April 20, 2013

60 parishioners spent this morning at our latest "mini-retreat." Dr. Steven Smith, professor at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, spoke with us about "7 Principles for Reading and Studying the Bible." What a blessing for our parish to have so many eager disciples of the Lord who can't wait to learn more about the living Word in the living Church! 

April 20, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
Imagine the state’s 3 million Catholics speaking together on matters of public policy! Please “like” @PAcatholic on facebook to stay up-to-date on matters of public policy that impact Catholics in our Commonwealth, including legislation that is pro-life and pro-Catholic education, programs that help the poor and vulnerable and protections of religious liberty. Find @pacatholic on facebook and click “like” to stay informed.
As Catholics, we are called to be conscientious citizens. We must take an active role in the public policy debate by speaking out to defend the dignity and rights of all.The PCC invites you to become part of a grassroots advocacy network that will provide information and education about key issues a...

April 20, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

Friday, April 19, 2013

Acts 9:1-20 — Saul of Tarsus lay on a bed, his sight taken from him, his life disoriented, his goals dissolved. A few blocks away, Ananias knows that the Holy Spirit asking him to go lay hands on Saul and restore his sight. Afraid because of Saul’s reputation, Ananias objects but obeys. Whose eyes were opened that day? Saul began to see Christians in a new light, but Ananias – in allowing the Holy Spirit to take him beyond his comfort zone – also had his eyes opened to see that the grace of Jesus Christ can transform even the most hardened sinner and give us the strength to do more than we think we can. Lord, remove my prejudicial judgments of others. Remove my fear and allow me to let others change and grow in your grace – allow me to let even myself change!

April 19, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
Despite the world's naysayers, it is a source of joy and hope for me to be affiliated with 2 excellent institutions of higher education that are solidly rooted in Christian truths. Yesterday morning I walked through the urban campus of The Catholic University of America, where I teach as an adjunct professor in the School of Canon Law. This morning I walked through the rural campus of Messiah College, where I do some campus ministry and am a member of the President's Leadership Council. On both campuses I saw faith and optimism. In Washington one student stopped another within my earshot outside the student union, and asked if his friend would pray with him at that moment for a personal issue he was facing; the other said he was going to Mass later and would pray then as well. All over campus are signs of faith and spirituality. At Messiah college today students made it a point to smile and say hello as they walked by, and the motto "Christ Pre-Eminent" rings true in every conversation I have with students, faculty, and administrators. Oh, yes, there's a lot wrong with our world, but my oh my, there's a lot right with these two schools!

April 16, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
Another grace-filled Tuesday morning! On Tuesdays at lunchtime we spend some time on campus at Messiah College, available to students and faculty in the Student Union. Either Deacon Hall, our youth ministry director Mike Creavey, or I - and sometimes all 3 of us - make ourselves available to anyone on campus who wants to talk. Today I left there to come back to the first of our Saints Film Series for our older parishioners. After a great lunch, the film is "The Reluctant Saint," on the life of Saint Joseph Cupertino. This afternoon, catch up on some paperwork then meetings about youth ministry and evangelization, and tonight marriage preparation with young couples preparing for marriage. Now guess which photo is which: (a) Messiah College or (B) Lunch before our film.

April 16, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
This weekend we have two gatherings for parishioners to learn the preliminary concepts concerning a Master Plan for our parish facilities. The first was this evening, over some wine and hors d'oeuvres. The second is tomorrow morning between Masses, over some coffee and donuts. Many good questions were asked tonight, and it brought to light the thorough work of the Planning Committee. More work needs to be done as we consider the feedback from parishioners in response to the very early concepts presented. Many thanks to the volunteer members of the Planning Committee.

April 13, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
There are repeated national news stories of starving baby seals. Tragic, yes, but where are the stories about this unimaginable and protracted crime against humanity? Where are the animal rights activists? Where are the hollywood stars? If puppies were treated this way, they would all be lining up for a moment in front of the cameras and in front of legislators. Where are the voices of all who want to keep abortion "safe and legal?" What happened here was neither safe nor legal.

April 13,2013
Msgr. William J. King

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Acts 5:27-33 — The members of the Sanhedrin question Peter and the Apostles about their continued preaching of the name of Jesus. Without apology, Peter and the others respond, “We must obey God rather than men.” The reaction of the Sanhedrin? “When they heard this, they became infuriated and wanted to put them to death.” God cannot be put in a box, ideologically. Such a notion of God becomes too small or otherwise doesn’t quite fit. Where the Apostles saw a source of humility, courage, and confidence in the astonishing experience of God’s grace, the Sanhedrin saw a threat and reacted with rage. If God doesn’t quite fit our own ideas or prayers or dreams, do we respond with openness to the possibilities or do we react with threat and sulking and rage? If my image of God doesn’t fit my experience of God, one of them has to be put to death: which shall it be?

April 11. 2013
Msgr. William J. King
Today was a day of speed and horsepower on the ground and in the sky! Yesterday evening and this morning I had the opportunity to log some flight time and some landings in a beautiful high-performance airplane (a Cirrus SR-22), and back at the parish I blessed a race horse. Horsepower all around! A very active parishioner (he's the cubmaster of our new Cub Scout pack) is a horse breeder, and asked for a blessing for this beautiful animal; a while ago I blessed the horse ranch and learned a great deal about breeding and training race horses. The 2-year old horse comes from great lineage and so much is expected of him in his future racing career. On the ground: 1 HP with great expectations. In the sky: the 310-HP airplane was very comfortable to fly, but the high speed on takeoff and landing was a bit startling at first. Luckily, my "co-pilot" in the right seat was a flight instructor with plenty of time in the Cirrus. Tonight: after some home visits, a set of meetings related to finalizing the Master Plan for our parish facilities, and the related feasibility study.
April 10,2013
Msgr. William J. King

Join us for 3 hours of Adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament tomorrow, April 7, Divine Mercy Sunday. Adoration begins at the 11 AM Mass and ends with the Divine Mercy chaplet and benediction starting at 3 PM. All are welcome and wanted.
April 6,2013
Msgr. William J. King
Young parishioners show their artistic talent before heading outside for the Easter Egg hunt at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton church. April 6, 2013.
April 6,2013
Msgr. William J. King

Mark your calendars: a morning of reflection on reading and praying with Sacred Scripture. APRIL 20 from 9 to 11 am, with Mass preceding at 8:30 am. Dr. Steven Smith is the presenter. Dr. Smith holds an M.A. from Wheaton College, and a Ph. D. from Loyola University of Chicago, specializing in New Testament and Early Christianity. He spent a number of years as a member of an evangelical "mega-church" in Willow Creek, Illionois, before returning to the Catholic Church. Bring some friends and enjoy a day that will benefit your spiritual growth. All are welcome. There is no cost.
April 1,2013
Msgr. William J. King
A single announcement was made at Mass today: "This morning, sometime before dawn, God raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead." Though the tomb was found empty, He has never left us. At 3 celebrations of the Holy Mass this morning, the church was filled to overflowing, extra chairs in every aisle and filling all three vestibules. Long-time parishioners told me that they have never seen as many people at Mass. Despite the best claims of the pundits, faith is very strong in our midst. We know who is our Lord and Messiah! He is truly risen. Laudetur Iesus Christus; surrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia!

March 31, 2013
Msgr. William J. King