Sunday, July 7, 2013

Genesis 23: Early in the story of Abraham

Genesis 23: Early in the story of Abraham God instructed Abraham to leave his home land and everything he knew there, and to go to where God would lead him. He had no reason to trust this unknown God, but over the decades that followed he learned to trust. As an old man, Abraham asked his servant to return to the land of his ancestors to find a wife for his son Isaac, but sternly instructed the servant, “Never take my son back there for any reason.” Don’t think that this was a geographic reference. It wasn’t. Abraham knew that he couldn't go back to his old way of life, before he knew God's goodness and grace. His relationship with God meant so much to him that his caution was never to let Isaac, his son, fall prey to a life lived for anything less than God. Is there a lesson for parents today from Abraham, our “father in faith?”
July 6, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

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