the comments of some in this video are comical when they learn that a
man went through 2011 without sex ("Uh, congratulations?" once person
says awkwardly; another: "He actually did that?") there is a more
profound lesson for those of us who are part of a church. The DJ says
that his resolution became "real" when he realized that, through his
website, people were watching him and supporting
him (with over 630,000 views). Gosh, do you think maybe that's one
reason Jesus gave us a Church? Drawn together by Christ's love, in love
we are bound. Fed by Christ's Grace, we support and nurture one another.
We encourage each other when we're down and struggling, we celebrate
with each other when we're on top of our game. Through what the saints
have described as spiritual consolation and spiritual desolation, we
stand by each other in faith, in hope, and in charity. Why else it is
important for us all to stand after we hear God's Word at Mass and
proclaim out loud, "I believe..." We do it for the one nearby who is
struggling with faith and life, and who needs to hear that she's not
alone or that he walks on a path with others. One of my New Year's
resolutions is to help us all be Church for one another. After all,
it's the original world-wide web!!
Msgr. William J. King
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