Saturday, December 8, 2012

When the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures spoke of "that day," it was always a reference to the coming of the Messiah. It is shorthand, in a theological sense, for the work of the Savior to restore justice and hope, to usher in an age of peace. In the Season of Advent, Believers bring to mind "that day" when Jesus did come as Messiah, Savior, and Lord, and we look forward to "that day" when He wi
ll return as king and judge. That reminds us of another phrase, another saying that is theological shorthand for our current experience: "already but not yet."

We have "already" witnessed the grace and mercy of the Savior's presence, not only historically but also personally in our lives. We know how this presence transforms lives, but as truly as we "already" experience God's grace in our lives, its fullness is "not yet" a reality. The world is a commingling of sin and grace. We are growing toward heaven, one step and one day at a time, "already" experiencing God's gifts "but not yet" perfectly; we "already" rejoice in what God has done, "but not yet" do we possess God's promises fully. Each day, however, gives us new opportunities to look for the presence of God, each day can become "that day" when we recognize God more and more.

So, the challenge for us is to use the time we have on earth to draw nearer to heaven. In other words, let's make this day "that day."
December 7, 2012
Msgr. William J. King

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