Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 26, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

Trivia Night tonight at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. We'll fill our Parish Center with families and individuals having fun together -- parishioners and guests alike. Last year the pastor's team did not win -- I remain convinced the winning team cheated. I'll be watching closely tonight! This year I have a deacon and a visiting priest on my team. Among us we have a combined IQ of, well, I dunno, a lot, so other teams be afraid! No cheating!

January 26, 2013

Msgr. William J. King

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sometimes the simplest approach is the best. For instance, what is the best way to take a Gospel passage to prayer? Sometimes it's a very simple approach. I've found it helpful sometimes to start with the verbs that outline a Gospel narrative. In the common lectionary today we're asked to consider the miracle at the wedding feast in Cana: water is turned into wine. POUR. TASTE. TAKE. TELL. These are simple action words that paint the corners of this story. Jesus told the stewards to POUR water into the jars, then allow the wine steward to TASTE. He then was able to TAKE what the Lord had given him and TELL the bridegroom that this was the best of wines.
Pour. Taste. Take. Tell.
Not a bad analogy for life in Christ: pour your heart out to God; taste the Grace He gives you in response, drinking deeply; then take that Grace into your day; and tell others how God is working in your life.
Sometimes it's just that simple.

January 20, 2013
Msgr. William J. King
January 16, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

Saturday, January 12, 2013

During a network news program last week, a female commentator interviewed a woman known for social activism. Although the topic was not about the life issues, the reporter noted during the interview that the woman had been active against abortion for many years. When the woman responded, "Yes, I am very much pro-life," the interviewer interrupted, "I prefer to call it anti-abortion, to be value neutral." Human life is not value neutral! You're either in favor of protecting all human life or you're in favor of legalized killing of human life. That's the choice. I am proud to be known as Pro-Life, and to proclaim that all human life is value-laden, not value-neutral.
January 11, 2013
Msgr. William J. King

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The bumper sticker says that "Wise persons still seek Him," and that is certainly true, but the truly wise realize that He has first sought us, first loved us, first dwelt among us. If we seek Him it is by His Grace that we do so, and by His grace that we discover most humbly that He has always been here, with us. Perhaps the bumper sticker should read, "Wise persons allow Him to find them."
January 5, 2013
Msgr. William J. King